Have you ever wished you could just sit and relax on the sofa, watching your favorite movie, without having to get up for doing all those mundane tasks like switching on/off the lights, controlling the fan speed or even checking if the gas-regulator in your kitchen has been turned off? Or, have you ever left your home in a hurry, gone half-way to your destination, only to rush back home because you forgot to turn off the air-conditioner in your room? Or, lock your door?

If you have been nodding your head all this while in agreement and would like to know how you can live a much easier and stress-free life, just click and read what an automation company in Chennai can do to help you accomplish all this!

Till recently, the concept of Home-automation was confined to either technologically advanced western countries like The US, or they were crown jewels in the luxurious and lavishly expansive homes of the powerful and wealthy. People in Asian countries like India, couldn’t hope to see let alone buy the products required to create a Smart Home.

Also Read: Massive Potential Of Internet Of Things & How It Changes The World As We Know It

But, recently, all that has changed. With the advent and popularity of Smartphones, better Internet connectivity and larger spendable income, tech-savvy people in India, especially those residing in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai, are enthusiastically turning towards the concept of Home Automation. Most of these people became impressed after witnessing the innumerable demos and reading the tech blogs & reviews written by industry experts online. Also, they figured out it really doesn’t take much to enable home automation in their homes.

How to get started with home automation?

As said earlier, many people are now warming up to the idea of renovating their existing abodes into cool Smart Homes. But, for the ordinary layman, the entire processes of converting their manually running homes into automated ones prove to be quite overwhelming at first. Typically, all the terms associated with this concept seem confusing and complicated and people are inclined to just shrug their shoulders, give up and move on.

But, once this feeling has been overcome, it becomes a bit easier to accept the things that will have to be done to convert a pre-existing home into a Smart one. If you still would like to know what are steps involved, please read on. Promise to make it as simple as possible!

Step1: Decide Which Features In Your Home You Would Like To Automate.
Now, this step is by far the easiest one there is. Grab a pen and a notepad and start walking around your house. Figure out which part of your daily routine you would like some help with. Is it getting the sprinkler in your garden to turn on at exactly the same time?

Or, perhaps, you would like to get a message to know if those clothes you’ve put in the washing machine are ready to be taken out and dried? Maybe, you’d like the lights and the air-conditioner to be to be switched on 10 minutes before you arrive from work? Or, an alert for when an intruder has trespassed into your property when you are not there?

Most of the above-mentioned scenarios can now be successfully undertaken from afar. So, be sure to decide what you hope to accomplish from a Smart Home.

Step2: Decide Which Network Technology To Implement
From this step on, things are going to get a bit technical. For a Smart home to work, all the features you would like to automate must be able to communicate with a device, via which you are controlling them. That is, it must be integrated into a network that you will create in your home. use Wi-Fi or a simple Bluetooth connection can be used to do this. A network protocol enabling communication also has to be chosen. Three of the most popular protocols being used today are:

  1. X10
  2. Zigbee
  3. Insteon

Step3: Finding The Right Hardware
You will need to buy and install a centralized control panel or Controller, sensors, switches, and peripherals. These are available at electronic stores and at online retailers

If you feel like installing a home automation at your place get the services of a good home automation company. They will be able to guide you on the best package of software and hardware that fits your need.

Some Recommendation